GridGenius Diesel

Innovative, Lowest Lifecycle Cost of Power Diesel Solutions

Innovus Power enables power producers to provide islanded and networkable microgrids that can outperform larger centralized grids in distributed generation applications worldwide. This is a market first since the creation of utility-scale power grids.

GridGenius is truly the heart of the microgrid. Its innovative technology and configurable design ensure that each microgrid is optimized to deliver the lowest lifecycle cost of energy – up to 50% cost savings. It decreases grid downtime while ensuring power quality.

Configurable and expandable, it allows for the easy addition and management of solar and wind, while delivering grid stability. The system is flexible to work with products from diverse suppliers and can be applied to new or existing grids.

The Energy Center ensures power quality and the amount of required power.  It is the heart and brain of the solution.

  • Configurable to specific grid requirements
  • Can be grid-forming or grid-following
  • Manages the speed & efficiency of the engine
  • Assures utility grade power quality specifications are always achieved
  • Enables life of stored energy devices to be maximized
  • Integrates highly proven major power components to assure industry-leading power reliability
  • Manages where and when the energy is dispatched and stored
  • 24/7 Remote monitoring and management service support worldwide
  • Can be integrated and controlled by utility power management systems when specified to be dispatchable where and whenever needed

By employing our proprietary-controlled variable speed genset, Grid Genius ensures the lowest cost of power. This innovative design decouples engine speed from electrical frequency control. This allows the generator set to run at the most advantageous operating speed power at any given load, lowering the overall fuel costs by running diesel only when it is needed.

  • Delivers up to 35% lower annual operating costs and emissions.
  • Operates with superior efficiency at all loads while improving engine life.
  • Improved fuel economy across the generator set’s entire power range.
  • Highly efficient, continuous low-load operation removes the need for multiple-sized generators in a grid
  • Facilitates high fossil efficiency and maintainability in high-penetration renewable applications

This component manages and optimizes the use of renewables as part of the microgrid.

  • Allows for high penetration renewables with the lowest Levelized Cost of Energy
  • Deploy excess renewable energy into heat requirements
  • Fills energy deficits so power quality remains within specification
  • Provides configurable storage energy options
  • Enables the most cost-effective system for time shifting and peak shaving

Proprietary modeling and simulation tools provide the ability to rapidly assist in designing each application scenario and get it right before deployment. We assess the risk, operational performance and mix of technologies to help you design the best grid to meet your needs.

  • Leverage deep technical power knowledge of Innovus experts across all required microgrid technologies
  • Determine the right mix of fossil fuel, renewables and stored energy to ensure that grid power quality requirements are met
  • Establish the configuration with the highest power certainty
  • Lowest Cost of Energy (LCOE) configuration
  • Agnostic view of technology and technology mixes, ensuring that the grid is optimally specified

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Learn how Innovus Power experts can provide a superior solution at a lower cost of power for your microgrid project.