GridGenius Diesel
Innovative, Lowest Lifecycle Cost of Power Diesel Solutions
Innovus Power enables power producers to provide islanded and networkable microgrids that can outperform larger centralized grids in distributed generation applications worldwide. This is a market first since the creation of utility-scale power grids.
GridGenius is truly the heart of the microgrid. Its innovative technology and configurable design ensure that each microgrid is optimized to deliver the lowest lifecycle cost of energy – up to 50% cost savings. It decreases grid downtime while ensuring power quality.
Configurable and expandable, it allows for the easy addition and management of solar and wind, while delivering grid stability. The system is flexible to work with products from diverse suppliers and can be applied to new or existing grids.
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Learn how Innovus Power experts can provide a superior solution at a lower cost of power for your microgrid project.